For some reason Genny and I were at Vons (the local grocery near the house) and there was the lower half of a severed woman in the refrigerated meat section. Upon examining this, I saw that it wasn’t really a human body but a kind of roast done up to look exactly like the pelvis and legs of an adult woman. It had fishnet stockings and red high heels on. Genny thought it was gross but didn’t seem otherwise bothered with it. She moved on to continue her shopping, which, as usual, was voluminous. I stuck around and talked to some customers about it. The girl behind the meat counter was on her cell calling people and saying “you’ve gotta come see this”.
A foreign woman showed up and interrupted the girl. “Hi, I’m <some russian name which I don't remember>”. The girl, appearing to know who she was, said, “Oh hi! It’s over there!” and then went back to her conversation. I turned to the woman and said…”you’re from Russia?” She said, “no, Ukraine”. On a hunch, I asked “did you come all the way from Ukraine to see this?” which she answered in the affirmative. She was dressed in kind of goth clothes. I figured she was some sort of cultist.
She said “I don’t see it…can you show me?” For some reason, I took her hand and led her urgently over to the meat case where I had seen the severed body, but it was gone. We couldn’t figure out where it had gone. Had some fiend bought it? How could such a heavy object disappear so quickly? We couldn't guess. I felt bad that she had traveled so far without seeing what she came to see.
Returning to the meat counter, in the case in front of it, there was a kind of bath, half ice, half water. A fat guy was sitting in there bobbing up and down, dunking his head under and then coming up for air. He seemed very happy. I turned to the Ukrainian girl and said, feeling somehow this would impress her, “want me to hold his head under water until he stops moving? Then you’d have your meat corpse. Ha ha ha.” She laughed, apparently genuinely.
I noticed my cell vibrating and realized I had felt it vibrating a couple times before. It was Genny. Somehow I sensed that she had seen me holding the Ukrainian girl’s hand and gotten the wrong idea. She had left the store pissed (why I don’t know, since we’re no longer together) and said she was at … some intersection … and blah blah blah (I couldn’t hear her cuz her voice is so soft).
That’s it.