It remains that reality and the science will not change at all. Global temperatures will not decrease, arctic sea ice will not begin recomposing (please remember, these emails are supposed to specifically show a cover up of warming, not man's role in warming), permafrost now lost will not reappear, warming-related pine beetle infestations will not disappear, and so on.
What is almost certain to happen is a political change, quite possibly a dangerous one, given the seriousness of the issue. By this feeble "evidence", many people will be persuaded that all of the science is a hoax and the denialists will have won a huge PR victory. PR is their field, not climate science, and their business is confusion, so tomorrow they'll have a lot to give thanks for. You cannot create a publishable paper around any of their denialist ravings, and this latest "data" is nothing any peer-review board of any serious science journal would accept. Politics wins. We lose.